Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Flash Back!

It's time to jump in the Delorean and gun it to 88 MPH! We're taking a trip down memory lane. These are the things I remember most from my childhood. There are too many good things that I don't want to leave out so I am going to break it up into installments. Keep checking back to see what make you nostalgic!




What are some of the things that make you nostalgic? Come back to see more of mine!


Friday, August 26, 2011

No More Black Thumb!

Until now, I have never been granted the gift of a green thumb. However, with much help from my mother-in-law, I have had beautiful flowers all summer! I don't know anything about flowers but I have really learned a lot the summer tending and planting them.

We definitely needed some landscaping around our house when we moved in. It was my grandmother's house and she always had a beautiful flower garden. She would care for those flowers as if they were her babies! I even saw her cutting weeds out with a pair of scissors and she was 89! I think she would be very happy with how the garden looks now. We have even bigger plans for next summer! My mother-in-law sketched our landscape design and picked the flowers to plant and did a magnificent job! We just couldn't be happier with how everything turned out.

I'm still learning the names of these flowers but here is a virtual tour of our flower garden:
Our ferns are huge! When we got them, one was much bigger than the other but now they have caught up to one another. 

Not for sure what these are called but they are beautiful!
We filled this flower box with celosia and petunias (I think). It was built in 1958 and in need of major repair. We are thinking of taking it out next spring and planting hydrangeas in it's place. Won't that be gorgeous?!
These are my grandma's roses. Not sure what they're called but they sure are pretty!
Our flower garden stretches all the way from our driveway right up to the porch on the house.
Here are some veronica spicata royal candles (tall spindly ones). When I first got them they were full of tall purple flowers. I don't they're getting enough sun. May to have to move them next year
Here are some of our knock our roses and begonias. They have really bloomed beautifully all summer
There use to be two barrels of flowers at the beginning of our driveway but we had some yard work done this summer and one was destroyed. This one made it though and I think it's one of the prettiest sights on the place!
I'm not sure what the little bright orange and yellow flower is but I love it!
We just LOVE these lantanas!
And of course T for Trent

Next spring we will be doing even more work but for now we will enjoy the blooms of the all the flowers I managed not to kill :)


Monday, August 15, 2011

Summer Supplied Supper

The best thing about summer is the garden veggies!! It's not officially summer until you've had a meal completely supplied by the garden. We had our first the other day and it was glorious! We look forward to this all year! Nothing compares to a big, juicy, sun warmed tomato, hand picked corn and beans, freshly peeled cucumber, and just-out-of-the-oven cornbread. Looking forward to several more garden supplied meals while we can!
Our Garden
My least favorite part of preparing corn, silking, but it is SO worth it!
And with an Ale-8 this KY meal is complete!
Have a good one!


Monday, August 8, 2011

Crafting Corner

Salutations all! I've been racking my brain to think of what I would post next. After the wedding I had all kinds of addresses. I wanted to get a Rolodex to keep them in but they are all so dull and boring. I wanted something that had some character. I decided to search the interwebs to see if I could find one. I discovered one I really liked on etsy but decided that I could make one myself just as good and could customize it to my own liking. It was so much fun and relatively inexpensive. Here are the materials you will need:
  • Scrapbooking paper in a design that you like (I would get about 8-10 sheets)
  • Blank index cards (I used ones that were already in different colors)
  • Rubber stamp with the design of your choosing
  • Ink for your stamp
  • Wooden box
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
Step One: I chose a box with a see-through top and front. I decided to take some of the scrapbooking  paper I got and covered the exposed areas. On the top I placed stickers that spelled "Addresses" so that you would be able to see it through the top holes.
Step Two: Next I took one of the index cards I was going to use to write my addresses on and traced around it to make the alphabet dividers so that they would be the same size. I got a scrapbooking page with all the letters of the alphabet on it in all different fonts and sizes. I cut these out and glued them on top of the alphabet dividers so that each section could be easily detected. I choose a different patterned paper for each letter. (Tip: Get paper that has a pattern on both sides so you can have more to choose from without having to buy more paper)
Step Three: Once all my dividers were made I took the rubber stamp and stamped all the index cards with the design so that I could write all the information on my cards. (Tip: Choose a color that will match all your cards, if you have different colors, so that you don't have to buy lots of ink because it can be pretty expensive)
Step Four: Put is all together and enjoy for life! I have just enough room in mine to keep my postage stamps and a pen!
Hope you enjoyed this issue of Crafting Corner and have fun with your address boxes! Feel free to post the ones you made so we can see how you did yours!
