Monday, May 21, 2012

The Best Day of the Year

My favorite dessert of all time is chocolate chip cookies. I have learned just in the past week that there is a national holiday devoted to them! How have I gone 26 years not knowing this?! The first thing I did when I got home was drag out my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe (with margarine and all!) to pay homage to this glorious day.

In other news, Pat just finished building a reloading bench for ammo. I think it's the first thing he has made from scratch and it turned out great! He did such a good job. Now I'll have to put him to work building things for me!

He did have some help. Hannah also gave him the will to continue working by shouting, "I am the boss princess. Now get back to work!"
All finished! 
Now I'll never see him again except when I enter into the depths of his man cave.

Happy belated National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day! It's May 15th if you want to mark your calendars for next year. I already have!


1 comment:

  1.'ll NEVER see him again. Our boys are so crafty and don't have any fear in trying new things! We're so lucky! ;-)
