I'm alive! October was an incredibly busy month. A lot happened. November has been pretty busy so far, too! But first things first. Audie is doing good and growing like a weed. Today we took a trip to the vet and he weighs 32 pounds!! It's hard to believe how much he's grown over the past four months. Sometimes I think he grows overnight! He's also starting to grow out of the puppy stage (thank goodness!). I've noticed in the past couple weeks that he is much more calm inside, especially were it's been cold. He is glued to our gas fire! If he is walking by it and it comes on he just melts into the floor. We've been putting his kennel in front of it every night and we never hear a peep out of him. His two favorite places are in front of the fire or in the rocking chair. Not just our rocking chair either. My parents watched him for us one evening and he broke the puppy gate down to the living room, bolted to the chair my Dad was sitting in and slept for about an hour! He's such a cuddler!

On to the party. It was a blast! I think all the kids had fun. It's getting a bit more challenging to find things they all like to do since the boys are getting older. We had a couple scavenger hunting games, my sister printed off bones that had to be assembled on someone correctly, and then we told spooky stories in the witch's lair I made. All in all, I think everyone had a good time. Take a look!
Audie was a black widow |
Audie the spider, I'm a fuzzy-tail fly, and Pat is the spiderweb |
Here's a better look at my fuzzy tail and wings! |
We stepped into the witch's lair for scary stories! It looked much better in the dark. You don't get the full effect with the flash on. I gathered some sticks to put under that cauldron and put some tea lights inside. They flickered to look like a flame. This is a plastic caldron with an fog machine inside (half off at Kroger!). I also made all the kids Harry Potter wands. |
To get the spider egg effect, I took about 20 pairs of Pat's socks and stuffed them in to some white knee highs. Then I hung them from the ceiling and put spiders on them. It looked pretty cool. |
These don't look like much here but in the dark they were pretty neat. They're toilet paper and paper towel rolls with eye holes cut out. Then you put a glow stick inside and it looks like spooky eyes are staring at you. |
Hope you had a great Halloween and have a happy Thanksgiving!