Salutations all! I've been racking my brain to think of what I would post next. After the wedding I had all kinds of addresses. I wanted to get a Rolodex to keep them in but they are all so dull and boring. I wanted something that had some character. I decided to search the interwebs to see if I could find one. I discovered one I really liked on
etsy but decided that I could make one myself just as good and could customize it to my own liking. It was so much fun and relatively inexpensive. Here are the materials you will need:
- Scrapbooking paper in a design that you like (I would get about 8-10 sheets)
- Blank index cards (I used ones that were already in different colors)
- Rubber stamp with the design of your choosing
- Ink for your stamp
- Wooden box
- Glue
- Scissors
- Ruler
Step One: I chose a box with a see-through top and front. I decided to take some of the scrapbooking paper I got and covered the exposed areas. On the top I placed stickers that spelled "Addresses" so that you would be able to see it through the top holes.
Step Two: Next I took one of the index cards I was going to use to write my addresses on and traced around it to make the alphabet dividers so that they would be the same size. I got a scrapbooking page with all the letters of the alphabet on it in all different fonts and sizes. I cut these out and glued them on top of the alphabet dividers so that each section could be easily detected. I choose a different patterned paper for each letter. (
Tip: Get paper that has a pattern on both sides so you can have more to choose from without having to buy more paper)
Step Three: Once all my dividers were made I took the rubber stamp and stamped all the index cards with the design so that I could write all the information on my cards. (
Tip: Choose a color that will match all your cards, if you have different colors, so that you don't have to buy lots of ink because it can be pretty expensive)
Step Four: Put is all together and enjoy for life! I have just enough room in mine to keep my postage stamps and a pen!
Hope you enjoyed this issue of Crafting Corner and have fun with your address boxes! Feel free to post the ones you made so we can see how you did yours!